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Optional accessToken

accessToken: undefined | string

The sidebar tries to sign in the user with this optional accessToken. The sidebar start page forwards this accessToken to the sidebar only if showServerSelector === false. New since sidebar version 14.11.0.

Optional additionalSecureUrlPrefixes

additionalSecureUrlPrefixes: string[]

Optional checkSettings

checkSettings: CheckSettings

With this property you can define check settings that will apply to all triggered checks. This settings will overwrite the saved settings of the user.

Optional clientComponents

clientComponents: SoftwareComponent[]

These provide information about your integration and other client software components to display them in the sidebars about dialog. In addition they are used for analytics.

They should include information about your plugin and can contain additional libraries or components you are using in your integration. For details check SoftwareComponent.

Optional clientLocale

clientLocale: undefined | string

The client locale should be equal to or start with "en", "de", "fr", "sv" or "ja". By default it is set to "en". This clientLocale is ignored if the user configures the ui language in the sidebar manually.

Optional clientSignature

clientSignature: undefined | string

The integration specific clientSignature. To get one, ask your Acrolinx contact. It is used to register and identify your plugin.

Optional corsWithCredentials

corsWithCredentials: undefined | false | true

By default, the Sidebar won't send or receive any cookies from the Acrolinx platform for CORS requests, resulting in unauthenticated requests if a proxy between Sidebar and platform relies on maintaining a user session. To send cookies, this option init option must be set to true.

Optional csrf

An integration that configures csrfConfig should not at the same time monkey-patch the XMLHttpRequest of the sidebar.

Optional defaultCheckSettings

defaultCheckSettings: CheckSettings

This settings will be used as initial default settings when the user uses the sidebar for the first time. If checkSettings is defined then the defaultCheckSettings will be ignored.

Optional disableAutoAdvanceCard

disableAutoAdvanceCard: undefined | false | true

If set to true: auto-advance is disabled and can't be enabled by the user. If set to false: auto-advance is enabled according to the user profile.



Optional enforceHTTPS

enforceHTTPS: undefined | false | true

This setting will prevent any connection with an Acrolinx Server via other than HTTPS protocol.

Optional helpUrl

helpUrl: undefined | string

If the user clicks the help button, the sidebar opens this URL using AcrolinxPlugin.openWindow. If this property is omitted, the sidebar opens the Acrolinx default help.

Optional logFileLocation

logFileLocation: undefined | string

Path to the log file of the integration. If this property is set, the integration should also support AcrolinxPlugin.openLogFile.

Optional minimumSidebarVersion

minimumSidebarVersion: undefined | string

This property is only effective if the Sidebar start page is used. It prevents the user to connect to a Sidebar with an lower version. Example values: '14.4.2' or '14.4'

Optional openWindowDirectly

openWindowDirectly: undefined | false | true

By default, the Sidebar uses AcrolinxPlugin.openWindow to open new windows. In some web integrations this might trigger the popup blocker. If openWindowDirectly is true, the Sidebar will open new windows directly and thereby circumvent the popup blocker.

Optional readOnlySuggestions

readOnlySuggestions: undefined | false | true

This setting will render cards with suggestions in read-only mode. This means the sidebar won't trigger suggestion replacements in the document. The cards will still work for navigation.

Optional serverAddress

serverAddress: undefined | string

By default value of this property is ''. That means the base URL of the host that your plugin runs from. If your Acrolinx Server runs on a different host, you have to put the address here.

Optional showServerSelector

showServerSelector: undefined | false | true

This property enables the user to manually change the serverAddress on the sidebar start page. It's not effective if the Sidebar is loaded directly.

Optional supported

supported: undefined | { checkSelection?: undefined | false | true; log?: undefined | false | true; showServerSelector?: undefined | false | true; supportsBatchChecks?: undefined | false | true }

Extraordinary capabilities of the plugin.

Optional uiMode

uiMode: UiMode


  • Object literal
  • Type alias
  • Interface
  • Property
  • Enumeration

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