checkInitiates a check for the document with the given document identifier.
Identifier for the document to be checked.
The document to be checked.
Check options.
Perform a check of the whole document. Once the check is done, AcrolinxPlugin.onCheckResult will be notified.
acrolinxSidebar.checkGlobal('<sample>my text</sample>', {
inputFormat: 'XML',
requestDescription: {
documentReference: 'myfile.xml'
The document you want to check.
Object containing the ID of the check.
Configures the sidebar with the specified parameters. This method can be called repeatedly after init was called.
readOnlySuggestions: true
Initializes the sidebar with the specified initParameters. After calling this method, the sidebar will become ready for checking and call onInitFinished.
clientSignature: 'sdfasdfiIOJEIEJIOR',
clientComponents: [{
id: 'com.acrolinx.myEditor'
name:'Acrolinx for myEditor',
initPerform a batch check of the document components.
List of document identifiers on which to perfrom a batch check.
This function can be used to invalidate check result cards that link to invalid parts of the document. That can happen due to changes or deletions in the document.
checkIds and offsets belonging to a previous performed check.
liveNotify the sidebar of the currently displayed part of the document.
The ranges of previous performed checks.
Show a message in the Sidebar. Supported since Acrolinx Platform 2021.2 (Sidebar version 14.28).
The message to show.
The sidebar will provide this interface in window.acrolinxSidebar.