Acrolinx Sidebar Examples

Simple Sidebar
Here you can see a sample of the Sidebar checking text from a simple content editable div.

Markdown Sidebar
Here you can see a sample of the Sidebar checking Markdown from a simple text area.

CodeMirror Sidebar
Here you can see a sample of the Sidebar checking different formats from a CodeMirror editor.

Multi-Editor Sidebar
This is a sample, how the Sidebar interacts with multiple editors of different kinds.

Live Coding Example CodeMirror
This is a sample, how to add a floating Sidebar to a different web page.

Live Coding Example CKEditor
This is a sample, how to add a floating Sidebar to a different web page.

Live Coding Example Light sidebar
This is a sample, how to add a floating Sidebar to a different web page.

More Information

Build With Acrolinx

Acrolinx Sidebar Demo - GitHub Project

Acrolinx Sidebar SDK JS - GitHub Project